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A mockup of el.Shop business cards and their logo on the back side of it.

Let's present a different approach to pet-related businesses in the stereotypical and uncreative use of animal faces or body parts. 

The Process

Our goal was to present a different approach to pet-related businesses (petshops, veterinarians, etc.) in the stereotypical and uncreative use of animal faces or body parts.

We first explored the concepts of the word "Petshop". Then we created an integrated logo that can convey the two main concepts in this business (Pet + Shop) to the audience in the easiest and most readable way possible. As a result, we have once again struck a balance between distinguishing the logo (independent identity) and its relevance to its business.


elPet Shop
Ms. Falahkish
Logo and Visual Identity
Social Media Templates
Graphic Designers
Mahan Ghazanfari
Fereydoon Cheragh